By RocmanRocks on
grand funk railroad, Reviews
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Grand Funk Railroad is one of my favorite bands of all time and one that I’ve been fortunate enough to see probably 20 times back in the day. Founding member and drummer Don Brewer and I got a chance to speak, albeit briefly about the time back in the day about a show that we […]
By Big Jon on
greg douglass, Reviews, shows
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Greg Douglass is one of the busiest musicians you thought you had know before, but probably couldn’t forget! He is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with the Steve Miller Band for his writing and lead guitar work on ‘Jungle Love.’ Ok…so he’s got that going for him, not to mention the hit […]
By Backstage360 on
steven davis, the way you look tonight
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It isn’t often you get a chance to go behind the scenes at one of the most iconic recording studios in the world. Studio ‘A’ at Capital Records has hosted some of the greatest artists of our time and while walking around this classic studio, one can hear the eerie sounds of those who have […]
By Brenda Starr on
primal fear, Reviews
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Germany Metal band Primal Fear is traveling the world together with Luca Turelli’s Rhapsody. The bands are here travelling through the U.S. and next headed north to Canada and from there Japan, Australia and South America. Their latest release “Rulebreaker” was produced by Primal Fear’s bassist Mat Sinner. The album released on Frontiers Records in […]
By Brenda Starr on
luca turilli, Reviews, rhapsody
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Luca Turilli is a guitarist and songwriter with vision, talent and a mission to share his evolved style of metal with the world. A no nonsense gentle man with a clean lifestyle that includes Kundalini yoga and meditation. A chemist of musical notes, LT blends together masterpieces to nourish your entire being. The law of […]
By RocmanRocks on
john fogerty, Reviews, stagecoach
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The Man, the Icon, Mr. John Fogerty the former leader of Credence Clearwater Revival, hit the stage at Stagecoach and I was immediately sent back to the first time that I had met John in 1967 at the Monterey Pop Festival. Since that time I’ve seen him play with his band a few times but […]
By Storm on
resurection kings, Reviews
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Everyone at Brick by Brick were in for an unbelievable evening when Resurrection Kings took the stage; which is the new super group project made up of Craig Goldy (Guitars), Vinny Appice (Drums), Sean McNabb (Bass) and Chas West (Vocals). As you would have expected by the names in this group you would be […]
By Big Jon on
benefits, charty, Daring Greatly, greg douglass
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Rich Singley is a local San Diego radio jock that found out how big his heart was earlier this year. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society approached the radio magazine host on 107.9 FM KRLY calling on him to be their ‘Man of the Year’ and raise $50,000 for research and development of a cure, right […]
By Maverick on
iggy pop, Reviews
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The man, the myth, the legend that is Iggy Pop was born under the name of James Newell Osterberg, Jr in Muskegon, Michigan on April 21st 1947. James is the last remaining legend of the 70’s trio which included the both late and greats of Lou Reed (Lewis Allen Reed), and David Bowie (David Robert Jones). […]
By RocmanRocks on
Lee Ann Womack, stagecoach
360 - Writers and Reviews, Featured 1 - Show Reviews

The Stagecoach Festival always has a lot of great artists. The event is held the week after and on the same grounds as the infamous Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Of all the artists at this year’s event the one I was looking forward to hearing the most was Lee Ann Womack. I was […]