Image Courtsey of Scott Clift
A few months back my Editor assigned me to review the latest release from Flotsam and Jetsam, The End of Chaos. I was stoked to do it as I am with every assignment.
What I got was a screaming hot record dropped in my lap. I was in complete love with it from the first spin. Some records you have to listen to a few times before a tune or two stick to your radar, The End if Chaos is NOT that record. You can find that review in the July issue of Backstage360.
Not long after I wrote the review I got word Flotsam and Jetsam were touring and heading to Sunny San Diego. Not a surprise from anyone in my crew that I completely fan girled all the way out. I hesitantly, more like nervously asked my Editor if we needed anyone to cover that show you know, by any chance? I’m pretty sure he was laughing on the other end of the phone.
- A) He read and published the review of the record. B) DOH, of course he could.
Thank you B – you are the very best!

Image Courtsey of Scott Clift
A typical beautiful San Diego evening in June. We rolled into Brick By Brick to hear the thunderstorm of Symbolic, one of So Cals Premier Heavy Metal bands, going balls the the walls. Symbolics powerful set definitely kicked off the mood of the evening. Their high-energy driving tunes were a big set up for how it was going down on this night. They set the bar pretty high and everyone in the house knew it. They made it evident we were in for an epic evening of metal! They were recently singed to Megadeath’s, David Ellefson label, EMP Label Group. Congratulations FeNext up was more head banging goodness courtesy of, Killing Tyranny, another gem out of So Cal. The band has has been together for the past few years, all seasoned players, and it showed. They too came armed with a high energy set, one tune after another. They added another block to our building of anticipation.
Onto the fluffers this evening by way of Dead By Wednesday (also signed to with EMP Label Group). They were on tour with Flotsam and Jetsam, and consequently got to meet their new label mates in Symbolic. Dead by Wednesday’s frontman, Rob Roy, got the room even more pumped as did the whole band. They are heavy and they are good. If for some odd reason you have not had the opportunity to see a live performance, if you get one, you should. Anyone that has been to one of their shows will second that in a heartbeat. They are full of electric energy and great tunes, a job well done DBW, thank you! Swing by America’s Finest CIty anytime!
On to the the main event. The audience was filled to the brim with adrenaline and anticipation as built up by the supporting bands. Without further ado, Flotsam and Jetsam go live. As if they were equally as anxious to get their party started, they came out of the gate at full speed. The band had us captivated from the first note. They did not layoff the throttled for one minute. AK’s vocals were spot on the entire set, not surprisingly. The band was tight as F, again not surprising. This night here in San Diego
was incredible evening for all us big fans of Metal. Flotsam and Jetsam playing new tunes and hits from years past, it didn’t matter every single tune was bigger than life. They have already earned their place as a legendary Metal Band. As there is nothing left for them to prove, what they did prove is they love and enjoy every minute of what they do, as equally as we love and appreciate them for doing it.
Here is one I think you may enjoy. I will give you the short version. Here we go:
How did AK” come to be the frontman for Flotsam and Jetsam you ask?
Once upon a time Eric “AK” Knudsun was asked to audition for band by way of a school mate. The lad saw AK at their High School Talent Show where he preformed the song, “The Goodbye GIrl”. If not familiar – look it up He auditioned, the band was happy with his performance and offered him a “2-week” probation period. AK made the cut, the band dubbed him “AK the 2-weeker”. Who knew…
Enjoy all of the things, in all of the places, with all of the people