Tim Orrahod (Vaccine)
If you are in a band in San Diego or have been to any number of venues to see live music, Victor Nieto probably had something to do with your evening. Vic has been a talent buyer for many venues around San Diego for years and years.
A few months back, Vic wasn’t feeling well and ultimately landed in the hospital, having a heart attack. Upon further examination, they discovered Vic had been suffering from advanced Type II Diabetes, with blood sugar levels over 600. He spent the next ten days in ICU in a coma, and another seven days while doctors ran tests to determine the damage to his organs, and planned the best course of action.
Vic overcame a lot in recent months with a long road of recovery ahead of him, but he is indeed on his way there. Additionally, a detached retina has left him blind it his left eye, with damage to his right due to diabetes.
Spending much time in the hospital and now unable to work, Vic’s day to day living expenses compounded with a slew of new monthly medications, have been a lot to overcome. As word spread around the music community in San Diego, a few folks decided to take action. First, there was a GoFundMe set up, which helped Vic get the glasses he desperately needed to see as best he can with his condition.
Bobby Fernandez, of Symbolic, thought, “What can we do?” He knew a GoFundMe was set up and that that was totally awesome, but still felt compelled to do something. Then the light bulb right above his head went off, DOH – “Fundraiser”! He reached out to long time friends, Chris Bader of NightShadow, and Yolanda Johnston, of SoundSlave, and they were all in.

Taz Taylor
A Fundraiser for Vic was on the horizon. Bobby got a little more than he bargained for with so many bands willing to donate their time to play. He decided to break the fundraiser into a two-part series. The first took place February 16th, and the second February 24th. He approached Brick by Brick, a venue Vic was booking and Symbolic played frequently, they were all in, asking simply: What date(s) do you

Ray DiGiorgio (RDG)
I was fortunate enough to attend the February 24th fundraiser at Brick by Brick. The line up was pretty rad, starting off the evening was a newer band, Bunch of Heathens. I guess you can see where the theme of the evening was headed. They came onto the stage hard and heavy, and continued with that energy throughout their set. They are a three-piece band with a monster drummer, and they tore it up song after song. They were super energetic, entertaining, a great way to get the party started.
Next up: Night Shadow: They just kept the crowed pumping and headbanging for another rock solid set of goodness. They are a tight, tight band, with commanding attention songs with a great stage presence to boot. If you can catch them playing out and about, do so. You will not be disappointed!
Then we have Alchmey: Holy cow, monster band here. They commanded the stage and your attention like the seasoned pros they are. So, so much fun here – just get on with your bad selves. Pure power!
Oh, and then our little songbird, Yolanda Johnston, fronting SoundSlave, bringing her inner Cornell to the Brick. This band never disappoints. Song after song, the crowd joined in a what seemed to big a great big sing-a-long!
Bringing the festivities to a close was Loose Cannon, Oh my, oh my, are they ever! Just go, go, go, nothing but fun, fun, fun.
At some point during the evening Jon Campos of Jon Campos & The Incurables, grabbed the donation jar, jumped on stage, rallied the crowd to get those donations up, mission accomplished as he walked the floor, he definitely made it rain! The donation jar was in pretty good shape by the time all was said and done.
At the end of the day we are all here for the same reason, music. And Vic has been a large part of a lot of bands getting a start, getting on bigger stages, even opening for national acts. Let’s show continued support for Vic and each other.
Spicy Kim / BackStage360