Daren Pfeifer – Pfeifer Drum Company. With the latest full kit addition to the Pfeifer Drum Company line. NAMM 2019
Located in Philadelphia, PA, Pfeifer Drum Company is a small business owned by professional drummer and drumming instructor, Daren Pfeifer. Daren is a classically trained drummer with a long resume of professional accolades including touring with Hollywood Undead, up until 2014. Now retired from touring with national acts, Daren performs with Philadelphia based, rock band, Killer Kind.
Pfeifer Drums was born in 2017, with Daren designing, developing and small-batch producing specialty snare drums. In just a couple of short years, Daren has debuted three series of beautifully designed snare drums (September series, Imperial series, Generation series) and shows no sign of slowing down. Pfeifer Drum Company was exhibiting their products at booth 6940 at the 2019 – National Association of Music Merchants, in Anaheim, California.
BackStage360 was lucky enough to spend some time chatting with Daren on camera, complete with a (not long) enough demonstration. I would have been very happy to spend more time listening to Daren and his amazing product line.

Daren Pfeifer – Pfeifer Drum Company, holding the latest addition to the Pfeifer Drum Company line. NAMM 2019
You can find Daren and Pfeifer Drums all over social media and music service sites. You can find his product line on the company website: http://www.pfeiferdrumco.com.