Road Warrior – Badges of Courage

Sometimes when you find yourself at the end of your rope, that could very well be the perfect place to be. When you are at the end of your rope you have two choices. You can let go of that metaphorical safety line and give yourself no option but to push forward and let the chips fall where they may, or you can hold onto that rope and possibly let stagnation take over. Living in Safety seems to be an all too familiar theme this day and age, who doesn’t want to be safe? I for one know that taking precaution is a very smart and risk mitigating choice.

As a Rock ‘n Roller, most of the time the only choice you have is to let go of that rope and see where the dice land. I’m not saying live carelessly and recklessly, I’m stating a fact that it has become all too common place throughout our society. People disguise their fears I practicality when all we feared was never there. They don’t take chances because they’re worried about what the next day will bring rather than digging in, putting their name and livelihood on the line, and pushing forward. There is so much risk involved on a daily basis with life in general, so what is a little bit more risk?

When success becomes as important to you as the air you breathe those risks become a little less important and the stretch for the unknown becomes a part of your reality. 2018 was an intriguing year for me, it was a lot of door shutting and a lot of doors opening. When you’re stepping forward into a new life path don’t forget to shut the door behind you. All to common place we make the mistake of leaving the door behind us open, metaphorically and possibly physically. This allows us to look back. Trust me, looking back with fond memories is wonderful, but looking back with the possibility of going back is dangerous. I stopped making excuses along time ago for my decisions, and started owning them as badges of courage. The most amazing stories I have accrued over the last decade and a half of my life are from letting go of that rope and stepping into the nervous unknown.


Timmy D / Pullman Standard / BackStage360

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