
Marleaux Bass Guitars

Marleaux Bass Guitars

The Imagination Knows No Limits. Marleaux BassGuitars = passion since 1990. From play bass for bass Building. A manufactory which manufactures We are crafted Basses premium class. Our years of experience and the pursuit of perfection are the driving force for continuous development of our models. Dialogue with professional bassists and customers from around the […]

Sandbox Bullies

Sandbox Bullies

SANDBOX BULLIES First album..ROCK N ROLL WOMAN…on itunes,,c.d. baby, In the fall of 1997-98, the founding members of Sandbox Bullies were; Robert Bell (Stringbean), Darrel Landpher (Detox), Woltan Martinez, Robert Todd Anderson (Sick Boy) & Tommy Dube (Smooth). After Learning I, Robert Bell, was a guitar player, Detox (the nickname for Landpher because of his […]

Artist Interviews – BackStage360 YouTube Channel

Artist Interviews – BackStage360 YouTube Channel

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