By RocmanRocks on
Amy Holland, doobie brothers, Dylan MacDonald and the Avians, michael mcdonald, Reviews, Steely Dan
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Michael McDonald is one of those artists that just seems to have flown under the radar for most of his career. He’s the type of person that would probably actually prefer that but his accomplishments over that past forty years speaks volumes about where his priorities truly are. We sat down with Michael during his […]
By Backstage360 on
660 guitars, aerosmith, alabama shakes, art vista, bass, bootleg guitars, chris brightwell, coldspell, damage in, dan palmer, fender, gabbie rae, gerald marleaux, germany, gopro, Graham bonnet, gretsch, Guitars, interviews, jay gordon, jessica meuse, joe carducci, kill ritual, lee sklar, michael mcdonald, mike lull, namm, ray digiorgio, rdg, rob bell, sandbox bullies, stephen sukop, stuart spector, taylor, wathen, zebrahead
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